Tina Kold Jensen

Professor, PhD and MD

IST - Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Environmental Medicine Research leader, Odense Child Cohort, Odense University Hospital


Tina Kold Jensen is a physician and environmental epidemiologist andhas been a professor at the University Of Southern Denmark from 2005. From 2009 she has been employed as a professor at University Hospital of Rigshospitalet and is a consultant there. She has obtained several both national and international grants and has served as coordinator and work package leader on EU grants. Participated in several national and international research consortia. She has published more than 175 articles in internationally per-reviewed epidemiological and reproductive journals within areas of reproduction and developmental origin of disease. Research areas include 1) Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals during vulnerable time periods and the risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome; 2) Spatial and temporal changes in semen quality in Europe and US and association to lifestyle; 3) Developmental Origin of Health and Disease; 4) Measuring human fecundity by use of time to pregnancy.

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