Stine Rønholt

Assistant Professor

LEO Foundation Center for Cutaneous Drug Delivery, Department of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen.


My research aim is cross-disciplinary focusing on the interface between physical chemistry, biophysics, biology and pharmaceutical sciences. I explore the barrier interactions between biological membranes, the skin and mucus barrier, and advanced drug delivery systems (DDS) or components hereof e.g., permeation enhancers and solid-state formulations intended for delivery of biopharmaceuticals. My research includes small as well as large molecules. I have a particular interest in how diseases in the barrier affects drug uptake and barrier interaction. By combining advanced biophysical techniques such as synchrotron X-ray and neutron scattering, rheology, rheo-microscopy, advanced microscopy (cryo-SEM and TEM) and thermal characterization with in vitro and in vivo models, I am currently developing a multimodal research platform to explore interactions between the skin barrier and delivery systems being deep eutectics and ionic liquids.

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