Malte Paulsen

Head of Research Platforms

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW, University of Copenhagen


Malte Paulsen is by training a molecular developmental biologist and obtained his PhD with Christof Niehrs at the German Cancer Research Centre and the University of Heidelberg in 2011. After his PhD, Malte switched fields into professional core facility leadership. He started and managed Flow Cytometry core facilities at the Boehringer-Ingelheim funded Institute for Molecular Biology, the Imperial College London, and at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg.

Malte joined reNEW (formerly DanStem) in November 2020 as head of platforms and laboratory. In his role, Malte is coordinating the activities of the reNEW technology platforms driving tight integration of the platforms activities with the institutes research and adapting them to meet future needs.

The research facilities at reNEW led by Malte Paulsen are known for being active and supportive of joint technology development activities with other leading institutes and R&D prone companies.

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