Johan Björkqvist Follow Johan
Post. doc.
Children’s Hospital and Pediatric Research Center, University of Helsinki, Finland
The Children’s Hospital is among the largest units in the Nordic countries focused on teaching and studying medical conditions in children and adolescents. It is responsible for basic education and specialist training at the Faculty of Medicine in pediatrics, pediatric surgery and neurology, pediatric and adolescent psychiatry, as well as pediatric infectious diseases. The hospital conducts active research operations and is responsible for postgraduate research education in the field of children and adolescents. A doctoral programme also operates within the purview of the Children’s Hospital.
The Children’s Hospital operates in facilities provided by the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, primarily at the Hospital for Children and Adolescents and at the Children’s Castle. In pediatric psychiatry, the unit also has facilities elsewhere in Helsinki. The hospital conducts close and seamless cooperation with the hospital district. In addition to treating people living within the actual confines of the district, the hospital district carries the nationwide responsibility for treating pediatric patients that require demanding cardiac surgery and other surgery procedures, as well as pediatric oncology and organ transplantation patients.