Ingrid Willaing

Research manager

Diabetes Management Research, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen


Diabetes education and support models: development and evaluation of interventions to prevent complications to diabetes and increase quality of life in people with diabetes and their family. Interventions include research-based, innovative diabetes education and support models, methods and concepts that promote social support, and diabetes self-management skills in the target groups.

Design-based research: applies methods that involve the target groups in the research processes and outcomes, typically intervention programmes including training of health care providers. Research includes use of quantitative and qualitative methods, theory-driven evaluation and development of innovative methods e.g. for measuring patient involvement in care processes, involvement in patient education programs as well as measuring diabetes specific social capital, diabetes identity and family functioning.

Various target groups: concepts include people with type 1 and 2 diabetes and their relations, poor glycaemic control, specific vulnerability (short or no education), ethnic minority groups, pre-adolescents, emerging adults, adults with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes and people with diabetes in the labour market.

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