Hartwig Siebner Follow Hartwig
Professor and Head
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen and Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre.
The DRCMR is one of the leading research centres in Europe within the field of biomedical MRI. A highly profiled international research team translates the latest advances in MRI to examine the brain's function, metabolism and structure. Non-invasive transcranial brain stimulation (NTBS) methods allow the transient modulation of brain activity by inducing electric currents in the brain with little to no discomfort. At DRCMR we exploit the biomedical potential of NTBS in three focus areas:
Understanding Brain Function: We apply neurostimulation to perturb brain activity and neuroimaging to measure how the brain reacts to this perturbation. This virtual lesion approach allows the causal demonstration of relationships between brain structure and function. This is in contrast to neuroimaging alone that is limited to demonstrating correlations between the recorded brain activity and behavior. By combining both techniques we gain insight into both healthy and pathological brain function.