Daniel J. Drucker


Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital


Dr. Daniel Drucker's lab is internationally renowned not only for his research, but as an environment where the clinical relevance of scientific breakthroughs is pursued. His lab has carried out basic science supporting the development of two new classes of therapies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and a new therapy for patients with short bowel syndrome requiring parenteral nutrition. His research also shows tremendous promise for the treatment of obesity.
Dr. Drucker studies a family of hormones produced in the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract and brain. Controlling blood glucose and insulin secretion, these hormones also regulate our appetite, the absorption of nutrients from the food we eat, and the conversion of those nutrients to energy. In his lab, Dr. Drucker studies the action of hormones that regulate multiple aspects of metabolism. Since enhanced gut hormone action may be beneficial in diabetes, obesity and inflammatory bowel disorders, these hormone analogues have potential to lead to new treatments for diseases that afflict millions of people worldwide.

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